Germany Can’t Blame Trump for Its Slowing Economy
Germany is vulnerable to shocks in international trade, because it has underinvested at home.
Germany is vulnerable to shocks in international trade, because it has underinvested at home.
Italy’s most popular politician was counting on early elections. Now his rivals might team up.
Even parliamentary democracy is now expendable in the pursuit of Brexit.
Rather than dream of unification with Albania, Kosovo must focus on getting a deal with Serbia.
The defense portfolio is one of the toughest jobs in Berlin. Why give it to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer?
The result could be another election.
Italians need to stop blaming outsiders and start owning up to their country’s shortcomings.
The center-left and center-right can no longer govern on their own. They need to compromise.
Every time the far right gets what it wants, it asks for something more.
Negotiations will continue, but enlargement is not a priority for most member states.
Europe may not want a repeat of the Cold War, but it has to come to terms with reality.
The European People’s Party arrogantly assumed others would fall in line behind its candidate.
Britain has to suspend its potentially greatest crisis in half a century while two unpopular candidates face off.
Spain is moving up in Europe. How will it use its newfound influence?
The Citizens can either fight Catalan independence or liberalize Spain.