Barcelona and Madrid Are on a Collision Course
The unstoppable force of Catalan nationalism is about to meet the unmovable object of Spanish chauvinism.
The unstoppable force of Catalan nationalism is about to meet the unmovable object of Spanish chauvinism.
The American wins concessions on Syria and trade. Russia and the EU still oppose him in other ways.
There are parallels, but a key difference is that the West today doesn’t seek to bring Russia down.
Every new president thinks they can reset East-West relations. They always come away disappointed.
This is a war of elites on elites. The Saudis are targeting the prestige of Qatar’s ruling Al Thani family.
Today’s War on Terror doesn’t compare to the West’s struggle against totalitarianism.
The pact comes at a time when America is turning its back on the world.
The president thought he could browbeat the North Koreans into giving up their nuclear program.
Ideologues long for the 80s. Explainers argue for better communication. Adapters want a new program.
Siberia has become more important to the Russian economy, yet it remains the most backward half of the country.
American preponderance in the Pacific, low oil prices and South Korea’s economic needs all argue for reconciliation.
A pledge to raise public investment, but no convincing plan to plug Germany’s skills gap.
The Dutch worry Brexit will lead to a renewed focus on political, as opposed to economic, integration.
The party has changed its mind about a European trade agreement with Canada.
The president hasn’t learned even the basics of foreign, military and trade policy.