Establishment-Backed Candidates Prevail in Primaries
Democrats and Republicans backed by their respective party organizations do well.
Nick Ottens is a public affairs officer for the Dutch Animal Coalition and a board member for Liberal Green, the sustainability network of the Dutch liberal party VVD. He is a former political risk consultant and a former research manager for XPRIZE, where he designed prize competitions to incentivize breakthrough innovation in agriculture, food and health care. He has also worked as a journalist in Amsterdam, Barcelona and New York for EUobserver, NRC, Trouw, World Politics Review and Wynia’s Week, among others.
Democrats and Republicans backed by their respective party organizations do well.
The new prime minister wants to be a driving force in Brussels. The ousted center-right has smaller ambitions.
Three women and two men are tipped as possible future leaders of Spain’s conservative party.
Spain isn’t Italy. The next government in Madrid will almost certainly be more pro-European.
“For my friends, anything. For my enemies, the law.”
The parties are now willing to accept a finance minister who doesn’t have a secret plan for leaving the euro.
The Socialist Party leader becomes prime minister after Mariano Rajoy loses the support of Congress.
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is fighting for his political survival.
The separatists withdraw four controversial ministerial nominations. Will Spain now restore home rule?
The FBI didn’t put a spy in the Republican’s campaign.
Opposition parties withdraw their support after members of the ruling party are found guilty of corruption.
The president has a habit of making noise only to back down at the first sign of trouble.
The European Commission’s advice to France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
Spain refuses to accept ministers who are facing criminal charges for their role in last year’s referendum.
Everything you need to know about the coalition deal between the Five Star Movement and League.