Labor Reforms Divide France’s Ruling Socialists
President François Hollande risks splitting his party by resuming efforts to shake up a sclerotic labor market.
President François Hollande risks splitting his party by resuming efforts to shake up a sclerotic labor market.
Most lawmakers were persuaded by David Cameron’s reforms.
Britons are unlikely to rush to the European Union’s exit now that the mayor of London has made up his mind.
Europe’s culture war will manifest itself in Britain’s EU referendum campaign.
Conservatives are split on whether to leave or remain in the EU.
The prime minister emerges from Brussels with a deal to keep Britain in the EU.
Critics assume Europe’s mainstream parties are incapable of change when they are nothing if not flexible.
The French president needs a united left to make it into the second voting round of the election next year.
The British Conservative Party leader won reelection by appealing to voters in the middle.
Turning down a deal because Britain had to compromise on one issue would be ludicrous.
The British leader gets most of the changes he had asked for, including curbs to in-work benefits.
More voters favor the EU treaty with Ukraine, but a majority would still vote it down in a referendum.
German bosses worry about a slowdown in emerging markets.
Without publicly conceding to pressure, Angela Merkel is taking measures to slow immigration.
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s southern allies threaten to contest her immigration policy in court.