Dutch Parties Agree on Tax Relief After All
Opposition parties in the Netherlands back government plans to cut taxes.
Opposition parties in the Netherlands back government plans to cut taxes.
The Socialists urge their candidates to withdraw. The Republicans are not returning the favor.
The politics of fear may work for Republican candidates, but only in the short term.
Members of Libya’s rival parliaments make progress toward ending a year-long standoff.
Marine Le Pen’s nationalist party cements its status as the third force in French politics.
Many in his own party still see the prime minister as reactive and not as reshaping Britain.
King Salman’s favorite son, Mohammad, is held responsible for a reckless foreign policy.
Nationalism and political incorrectness are the hallmarks of populists on both sides of the Atlantic.
After warnings that it might be ejected from the Schengen Area, Greece finally asks for help.
Russia’s belligerent foreign policy claims a second Black Sea gas pipeline as its victim.
Marine Le Pen’s party is expected to break through at the regional level.
Artur Mas says a Constitutional Court ruling against independence will not change his plans.
Remaining opposition fighters in what used to be Syria’s third largest city give up.
David Cameron wins support for military action — and splits the opposition Labour Party.
Other European nations complain that Greece is dragging its feet in controlling the border.