Britain’s Cameron Hopes to Call Summer EU Referendum
The British leader hopes to win a vote on EU membership after reaching a deal on new terms.
The British leader hopes to win a vote on EU membership after reaching a deal on new terms.
Some think power will discipline Britain’s Euroskeptics. Others worry about a Tory revolt.
The British leader is starting to overcome Central European opposition to his EU reform plans.
Jeremy Corbyn’s removal of critics for the party’s shadow cabinet prompts others to step down.
Britain’s Labour Party leader starts removing critics from top positions at the risk of a split.
Poland would be more likely to support Britain’s EU demands if it helped bolster NATO’s defenses.
Sensible politicians in Britain and the United States have encouraged their fringe supporters for too long.
Many in his own party still see the prime minister as reactive and not as reshaping Britain.
David Cameron wins support for military action — and splits the opposition Labour Party.
The British Labour leader recognizes that he cannot get his whole party to vote against bombing.
It’s easier to blame a candidate than accept that most voters don’t agree with your policies.
Few lawmakers share Jeremy Corbyn’s resistance to airstrikes against the self-declared Islamic State.
Britain’s prime minister makes his case for airstrikes against the fanatical Islamist group.
Britain’s chancellor backs away from controversial tax reforms, but makes deep cuts elsewhere.
Britain raises military spending and creates two new strike brigades to respond to diverse threats.