NATO to Invite Montenegro, Russia Dismayed
Russia warns that it would consider its Cold War rival’s expansion in the Balkans as a provocation.
Russia warns that it would consider its Cold War rival’s expansion in the Balkans as a provocation.
The migrant crisis and terror attacks in Paris have made the Danes even less pro-EU.
The British Labour leader recognizes that he cannot get his whole party to vote against bombing.
NATO has Turkey’s back, but its brazenness surely raises doubts in Western capitals.
Conservative, liberal and socialist parties are vying for first place in Spain’s general election.
Turkey may have been trying to prevent a unified front being formed to defeat the Islamic State.
Robert Gates argues against plans from his own Republican Party for war in Syria.
It’s easier to blame a candidate than accept that most voters don’t agree with your policies.
Getting on the ballot in all states is a challenge for presidential candidates who lack party support.
The conservatives try to remove justices who were appointed by their political opponents.
Former Russian client states argue that extending the Baltic Sea pipeline would hurt Ukraine.
Few lawmakers share Jeremy Corbyn’s resistance to airstrikes against the self-declared Islamic State.
The threat is no longer “very close,” but Belgium stays on guard against a terrorist attack.
The Russian leader says he is ready to cooperate, but the Turks better not shoot down another plane.
The Ukrainian president says Dutch Euroskeptics are playing into Russia’s hands.