Brexiteers Come to Terms with Reality
At every point, Europe has called Britain’s bluff.
At every point, Europe has called Britain’s bluff.
They are unlikely to get their way.
Angela Merkel’s Bavarian allies wonder if they should move to the right or more to the center?
The Dutch leader believes Europe must be careful not to overreach.
The French president hasn’t turned out to be the libertarian some of his admirers were hoping for.
The Social Democrat feels no time pressure to form another coalition with Angela Merkel.
Attempts to force journalists to be “neutral” are misguided and getting out of hand.
Law and Justice ignores all warnings and advice as its tries to put the judiciary under its control.
Europeans aren’t just pro- or anti-EU. Their views on immigration and solidarity suggest the existence of six tribes.
Both the center-right Republicans and the far-right National Front are riven with divisions.
Fear of losing power and status created the alliances that voted for Brexit, European populism and Donald Trump.
The Polish government’s World War II obsession is blinding it to the need for an alliance with Berlin.
The party could achieve a lot in another left-right government, but they risk being punished by voters.
American and British reporters immediately reach for comparisons with Brexit and Trump.
The left rules out the right. The far left rules out the center-left. The Five Stars rule out everybody. How will Italy be governed?