Rubio Seen Benefiting Most from Iowa Result
The Florida senator can now claim to be the best alternative to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
The Florida senator can now claim to be the best alternative to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
Despite everything that makes this presidential contest unusual, Iowans still did what they were supposed to.
Controlling the Aegean Sea, and hence Cyprus, is a priority for neither Greece nor Turkey anymore.
There are no easy options for Pedro Sánchez as he starts to form Spain’s next government.
The arguments for Marco Rubio assume that voters won’t pay attention to what he actually says.
Russia’s economy and foreign relations are suffering, but it will take more to threaten Vladimir Putin himself.
The two presidential contenders are criticized for backing away from naturalization for illegal immigrants.
Without publicly conceding to pressure, Angela Merkel is taking measures to slow immigration.
The Republicans who support Donald Trump don’t care if he’s not a conservative. They aren’t either.
Very few Iowans actually vote and the ones that do in small towns can have an outsized influence on the result.
Voters are eager for change yet the highest-polling candidate is the runner-up from the last election.
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s southern allies threaten to contest her immigration policy in court.
As soon as the referendum is over, Conservatives will start to prepare for the post-Cameron era.
For better or worse, the uprisings made clear Arabs do in fact rule themselves. Are they up to the task?
America’s conservative movement continues to define itself against an establishment it vanquished long ago.