Feijóo Asked to Form Government, But Chances Are Slim
Most Spanish parties prefer the current prime minister, Pedro Sánchez.
Most Spanish parties prefer the current prime minister, Pedro Sánchez.
Alberto Núñez Feijóo won the election but could lose the battle in Congress.
Basque and Catalan parties win the crucial swing votes in Congress.
The opposition would take the country back in time.
The social democrat has pulled Spain to the left.
The prime minister is betting he can make the election a choice between him and the far right.
Two years ago, Salvador Illa let his ego get in the way of a deal.
The right used an antiquated sedition law to persecute Catalan separatists.
Without their support, the prime minister would not have a majority in Congress.
Liberalizations cut unemployment and encouraged business creation.
Salvador Illa refuses to play second fiddle to the pro-independence Republican Left.
The Spanish prime minister is trying too hard to make a deal with his rivals.
The Spaniard must keep an eye on his left-wing allies as he makes deals with the right.
The social democrat makes concessions to separatists and the far left.
Spain’s Pedro Sánchez has the support of the left. Now he needs to woo Catalonia’s separatists.