What Change Looks Like

Health care reform passed in the House of Representatives last night. A bloc of pro-life Democrats gave the party the 219 over 212 votes needed to enact the health insurance overhaul previously accepted in the Senate. Thirty-four Democrats voted against the measure. The House also voted 220 to 211 to support a “reconciliation” bill that […]

Individual Run Health Insurance

People seem to be more proactive about inanimate objects like their car then they are about their own bodies and health.

Health Insurers On the Defensive

Speaking at Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania on Monday, President Barack Obama launched a fierce attack on health insurers who, he said, “continue to ration care on the basis of who’s sick and who’s healthy.” The remark comes amid a renewed wave of renunciations of insurance companies as the administration attempts to push its health-care […]

The Decline of States’ Rights

With a population of over three hundred million people and an increasingly diverse set of principles and opinions, the United States has a growth problem. The Founding Fathers predicted this issue and emphasized the importance of local governments. Their logic: that people with similar principles will congregate in similar areas. As members of the overall […]

The Summit of Fantasy

The president’s summit on health care revealed major schisms between public policy and reality. Those who feel that they must keep repeating to Americans that their health care is “broken” overlook a more fundamental problem. Most Americans, based on a lifetime of experience, don’t think the medicine practiced by their own physician is broken. So […]

Forgotten in the Health Care Debate

Proponents of health-care reform in the United States obviously have the patients’ interests at heart. For millions of Americans today, medical treatment is impossible to pay for while the system altogether is growing evermore expensive. The needs of those who can’t afford care are at the forefront, but the wishes of doctors and nurses are […]

Obama Fires Back

Speaking to House members of the Republican Party in Baltimore, Maryland this Friday, President Barack Obama defended the measures which his administration has enacted over the past year as cameras rolled. The president took questions, corrected misstatements and blamed Republicans for distorting the true intentions and effects of his policies. So successful was his performance […]

The Polluted Health Care Debate

The United States Senate sets to vote on a health-care bill over Christmas this Tuesday after what have been months of fierce political debate. As the opposition warned of “socialized medicine” and “death panels”, public support for “Obamacare” and the president himself understandably plummeted. Although America’s health care is among the most expensive yet one […]