British See French Election Through Prism of Own Politics
Marine Le Pen is seen as part of the same populist backlash that led to Brexit.
Marine Le Pen is seen as part of the same populist backlash that led to Brexit.
The centrist former economy minister defeats the far right’s Marine Le Pen.
Both presidential candidates have criticized France’s cozy relations with the Persian Gulf state.
Refusing to vote for an uninspiring social democrat and ending up with a xenophobe. Sound familiar?
The same splits we saw with Brexit and the election of Donald Trump appear in France.
If Emmanuel Macron struggles to implement his reforms, the far right could rise again.
France’s traditional parties have failed to adapt to a shift in the political landscape.
Analysis and commentary about the first presidential voting round in France.
The French leftist’s views are much more extreme than the American’s.
The former economy minister can make France confident and competitive again.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon climbs in the polls at the expense of the center-left Socialist Party.
Left-right divisions have become less relevant.
The next French president could have a hard time getting plans through parliament.
Benoît Hamon and the far left accuse social democrats like Manuel Valls of betraying the party.
Manuel Valls supports his former economy minister instead of the leader of his party.