Trump’s Credibility Problem on Russia
It’s hard to take the Republican’s denials about Russian interference in the election seriously when he benefited from it.
It’s hard to take the Republican’s denials about Russian interference in the election seriously when he benefited from it.
The outgoing prime minister seeks early elections in order to stop enemies in his own party from toppling him.
From Lisbon to Berlin, center-left parties are breaking the taboo on pacts with the far left.
Like Labor leaders before him, Lodewijk Asscher is hailed as a future prime minister. He may not live up to expectations.
Trump’s supporters believe unemployment is up and millions voted illegally in the election. Neither is true.
The controversial anti-Islam politician calls the legitimacy of Dutch courts into question.
A look back at the pivot to Asia, the reset with Russia, Obama’s deal with Iran and the war in Libya.
If Donald Trump pushes China too far, its leaders may feel they have no choice but to respond.
The German leader was never a multiculturalist.
Angelino Alfano, head of the junior ruling party, suggests snap elections could be held in February.
Austria’s presidential election revealed the same divides we saw in America. How do we heal those divisions?
Openness and pro-European sentiment can win, but only by mobilizing the whole center and left.
Defeating reactionaries is going to require a full-throated defense of liberal ideas.
François Hollande’s prime minister is the only one who can give the French Socialists a chance in next year’s election.
Changing party coalitions owe as much to demographics as the choices Democrats and Republicans make.