Poland Makes Mistake Engaging with France But Not Germany
The Polish government’s World War II obsession is blinding it to the need for an alliance with Berlin.
The Polish government’s World War II obsession is blinding it to the need for an alliance with Berlin.
The party could achieve a lot in another left-right government, but they risk being punished by voters.
American and British reporters immediately reach for comparisons with Brexit and Trump.
The Saudi crown prince seems to believe Donald Trump’s support is all he needs. That is a mistake.
The left rules out the right. The far left rules out the center-left. The Five Stars rule out everybody. How will Italy be governed?
The American allows China to take the lead in technology and Russia the lead in postwar Syria.
The referendum in Spain and administrative changes in France have given North Catalans pause.
The deposed Catalan president is more popular than his old party.
By refusing to do a deal with the center-left, Pier Luigi Bersani makes a populist or right-wing victory more likely.
The collapse of three-party talks is a setback, not the end of the world.
Leaving the EU is not unleashing growth. There is no extra money for health care.
The Argentinian president knows he can’t afford to ruffle too many feathers.
The conservative’s intransigence gives credence to separatists who argue Spain will never respect Catalonia.
The left won’t stand a chance divided, but it will be hard to set aside personal feuds and policy differences.
Yes, Russia tried to exacerbate the crisis, but it didn’t create Catalan separatism.