Clear and Present Danger: Transnational Crime
Existing state policies are inadequate to fight criminal organizations that ignore borders.
Existing state policies are inadequate to fight criminal organizations that ignore borders.
State policies to boost internal demand to sustain economic growth appear to be failing.
Canada shuts its embassy in Tehran and lists Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Turkey risks antagonizing the Kurds in Iraq and Syria with its campaign on the border.
The Turks refuse to extradite the former vice president who has been sentenced in absentia.
Democrats campaign on what is traditionally a Republican Party strong suit.
Russians are skeptical of their president’s plans to open borders for international trade.
Analysts from Wikistrat explain the rationale behind Iran’s latest threat.
Even if it runs contrary to American policy, the president cannot put the Jewish vote in play.
The secretary’s visits highlight the strategic competition underway in East Asia.
The premier has to appease his right flank without alienating the Liberal Democrats.
A Eurasian continental alliance could frustrate America’s “pivot” to East Asia.
Manmohan Singh’s presence at the Nonaligned Movement Summit was quite significant.
Saudi security busts two Al Qaeda cells with links to recent Egyptian-Israeli border attacks.
Many nonaligned nations are just as concerned about Iran’s intentions as the West.