Let’s Import the Economic Policies of the 1920s
Supply-side economic policies fueled the economic expansion of the Roaring Twenties.
Supply-side economic policies fueled the economic expansion of the Roaring Twenties.
Time is running out to preserve the American social safety net programs.
Atlantic Sentinel contributors agree that Barack Obama won the third president debate, but only just.
The future of talks may hinge on the outcome of the American presidential election.
There are several scenarios in which neither candidates secures a majority.
Republicans will likely retain their majority in the House while picking up few Senate seats.
The president says he believes in capitalism, but his policies suggest otherwise.
The United States plan to build an elite Libyan force to tackle the country’s terrorist problem.
The Atlantic Sentinel’s contributors believe Barack Obama did best.
The former Utah governor warns that his party risks losing relevance unless it adapts.
The vice presidential candidate could hardly defend a foreign policy that is incoherent.
American oil companies don’t get subsidies, no matter the president’s repeated claims that they do.
The Republican’s plan to reform seniors’ health care would save money.
California epitomizes all that is wrong with American energy policy.
The Republican presidential candidate warns, “if America does not lead, others will.”