Barbour Discusses Potential White House Run
Haley Barbour talked about his tenure as Mississippi governor as well as his presidential ambitions on Fox News Sunday.
Haley Barbour talked about his tenure as Mississippi governor as well as his presidential ambitions on Fox News Sunday.
John Boehner and his budget committee chairman Paul Ryan discuss their plans to reduce spending.
The Indiana governor says the United States government is “morbidly obese.”
The United States government shouldn’t be in the mortgage business.
For Obamacare to stay, the Constitution must go. That is why the document is so vehemently attacked.
The president urges businesses to “share” their profits and bonuses with workers.
Spending cuts that fail to tackle entitlements are “a sparrow’s belch in the midst of a typhoon,” said Alan Simpson.
The Democrat suggests that rights are “given” by the government. Whatever happened to “inalienable rights”?
House Republicans announce $74 billion in cuts, far less than the $100 billion they promised.
While union density in the private sector is declining, government workers are increasingly unionized across the developed world.
Mike Pence and Jim DeMint won’t run for president but Jon Huntsman might.
A federal judge ruled the president’s health-care reform law unconstitutional because its mandate forces Americans to buy insurance.
The Obama Administration finds itself in the uncomfortable position of having to decide whom to support in Egypt.
Republican leaders talk about spending reductions on the Sunday morning talk shows.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is reluctant to pick sides in Egypt’s protests.