Labour’s Biggest Rebel Wants No Rebellions
If elected leader, Jeremy Corbyn would expect Labour’s lawmakers to fall in line and back his radical agenda.
If elected leader, Jeremy Corbyn would expect Labour’s lawmakers to fall in line and back his radical agenda.
Jeremy Corbyn’s and Bernie Sanders’ supporters don’t remember the damage their policies did.
Labour leaders and allies in the media are panicking.
The frontrunner for the Labour leadership could make the party unelectable but his policies respectable.
An early referendum could end David Cameron’s premiership prematurely.
Most Labour members think they lost the election because their party wasn’t far to the left enough.
Sweden fears deeper integration in the eurozone could reduce other countries to “second-class members.”
The prime minister wants to do more to support American efforts against the Islamic State.
Labour is deeply divided about where best to position itself: back in the center or further on the left.
George Osborne satisfies both rightwingers in his own party and outflanks Labour from the left.
Euroskeptics see the Greek “no” as a vindication of their long-held doubts about the euro.
Britain’s Labour Party struggles to see the ruling Conservatives’ policy on poverty as anything but cruel.
The British leader would focus on migrants benefits and an opt-out from “ever-closer union”.
The majority of Britain’s Conservatives want to remain in the EU.
Danish conservatives share Britain’s priorities for reform in Europe.