Sánchez Should Offer Catalans a Federal Spain
If an independence referendum is too much to ask.
If an independence referendum is too much to ask.
Far from drawing Vox to the center, the People’s Party has been pulled to the right.
What Macron’s loss means for the Fifth Republic.
Both are insecure.
Without a majority in the National Assembly, the president can still make foreign policy.
The only thing worse than two-party polarization is permanent rule by the center.
Charles de Gaulle’s two-party system has broken down.
Voters feel the party is drifting too far to the left.
No one else has his authority and stature.
Not through force, but by persuasion.
American alarmism about coalition politics is unfounded.
Center-left parties are winning elections again. What changed?
When judges behave like politicians, they weaken the judiciary.
Political stability is not an end in itself. It are the outcomes that matter.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso flirts with COVID-19 skepticism in the name of “freedom”.