The Enforcement of Education

In many developed nations, education is one of the greatest expenses of government. In Great Britain, for instance, about £88 billion was spent on education last year, ammounting to 17 percent of the kingdom’s total budget. In the United States, where education is partly privatized, the federal government still intends to invest over $46 billion […]

Obama the Jeffersonian

The only constant about President Obama’s foreign policy so far seems to be its reception. Conservatives dread the end of American ascendency and wonder out loud whether Obama is projecting weakness while the Europeans are supposedly upset about the current administration not paying them enough attention. The truth is that a series of early hiccups […]

Participation — Why Bother?

Participate? Why? You’ve got enough people in your movement that I shouldn’t have to participate. I don’t need to join your group, you guys will do the work for m– A free glossy magazine? Group potlucks? A tote bag with a logo on it? Why didn’t you say so?! I’m in! The above is just […]

How Disturbed Are You?

No, really, how disturbed are you? Disturbed enough to join a social movement? Maybe help out as a checkbook member? Perhaps you’re disturbed enough to go out and start your own social movement. But wait a second — are you rich? You aren’t. Well, that may cause some difficulties. You see, the heavenly choir sings […]

Why Do We Bowl?

Robert Putnam’s idea of shared trust and a sense of community helps explain what drives political activity.