Sarah Palin’s Fanaticism

No matter her popularity with voters on the right, Sarah Palin’s religious fanaticism utterly disqualifies her for high political office.

Selfish India

India doesn’t seem to care much about the floods wrecking havoc in neighboring Pakistan. It has every right not to.

Speaking Up for American Capitalism

Amid all the anticapitalist rhetoric espoused by policy and opinion makers alike, few businessmen dare rise up to the challenge and defend the free market outright. Gregg Sherrill, Chairman and CEO of Tenneco, Inc. is a notable exception. With capitalism under persecution worldwide, the business community has in part itself to blame. As accusations of […]

Freedom of the Press, Speech and Liberty

Independence Day, for me, is symbolic of the ability to freely express opinions; the hallmark of a free society. It was Thomas Jefferson who wrote, in 1791, that, “Government being founded on opinion, the opinion of the public, even when it is wrong, ought to be respected to a certain degree.” In the United States, […]

Charter Schools a Setback, Despite Success

Education in the United States can seem a bit bewildering at times. Confronted with the undeniably poor performance of public schools, in the 1990s, an alternative was devised that gave greater freedom to individual teachers and schools while not admitting fully that the free-market option — private schools — are in fact the only viable […]

The Proper Size of Government

A common charge voiced against libertarians is that they should promote social and political anarchy. “Why don’t you move to Somalia?” critics wonder about proponents of limited government as though the poor East African country were a textbook example of a free society. Such rancor misses the point entirely. Laissez-faire doesn’t prosper in lawlessness. A […]

Open the Borders

Allowing people to move freely across borders is an economic as well as a moral imperative.

The Government Boot on Your Doctor’s Neck

We live in an age when the Secretary of the Interior and the White House Press Secretary proudly and publicly proclaim that they will keep their “boot on the neck” of an oil company. This new manifestation of “hope” and “change” is ominous at a time when the government is rapidly escalating its involvement and […]