Atlantic Sentinel Responds to Second Obama-Romney Debate
The Atlantic Sentinel’s contributors believe Barack Obama did best.
The Atlantic Sentinel’s contributors believe Barack Obama did best.
American oil companies don’t get subsidies, no matter the president’s repeated claims that they do.
Obama’s terrorism record is challenged as new evidence emerges in the consulate attack.
Atlantic Sentinel contributors agree that the Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, won the first debate.
President Barack Obama seems on track to replicate his Electoral College success of 2008.
The president seeks to reduce oil imports and “invest in America, not ship jobs overseas.”
The administration’s assessment of the Benghazi consulate attack confuses his opponents.
Ohio and West Virginia fulminate that the president’s “war on coal” destroys jobs.
Trade successes don’t seem to deter either candidate from chastising the Chinese.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney draws criticism for politicizing the attack.
All Republicans have to offer, argues the president, is the prescriptions of the past.
The goal of Mitt Romney’s energy policy is misguided. His way of getting there is sound.
The president’s unwillingness to antagonize China and Russia is perfectly justified.
The president seems to believe that businesses can only succeed if the government helps them.
Conservatives are glad to point out the president’s perceived hostility to coal, but the industry’s greatest rival is natural gas.