Rubio’s Hawkishness Could Become a Problem
An exchange with Rand Paul makes clear just how far to the right Marco Rubio is on foreign policy.
Nick Ottens is a public affairs officer for the Dutch Animal Coalition and a board member for Liberal Green, the sustainability network of the Dutch liberal party VVD. He is a former political risk consultant and a former research manager for XPRIZE, where he designed prize competitions to incentivize breakthrough innovation in agriculture, food and health care. He has also worked as a journalist in Amsterdam, Barcelona and New York for EUobserver, NRC, Trouw, World Politics Review and Wynia’s Week, among others.
An exchange with Rand Paul makes clear just how far to the right Marco Rubio is on foreign policy.
Portugal’s prime minister loses a confidence vote only days after presenting his government.
David Cameron has maintained Britain as an international actor when voters are more inward-looking.
Making other leaders see that Europe can no longer move at one speed is an accomplishment.
“The left hand of the government doesn’t know what the right is doing anymore.”
A month after the election, Catalonia’s separatists take the first step to seceding from Spain.
Republican voters in blue states have more power than Republican voters in red states.
Two far-left parties agree to go into coalition with the Socialists to remove the right from office.
The rejection of the Canada-to-Texas pipeline had more to do with American politics than the environment.
President François Hollande announces the deployment of France’s only aircraft carrier.
France, Italy and Spain neither deserve nor need more time to bring their deficits down.
28 member states can no longer integrate all at the same pace.
The German chancellor walks back her open-doors policy.
The veteran Turkish leader dumbfounds his opponents by taking back control of parliament.
As America draws down in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is likely to start playing a bigger role in Central Asia.