Netherlands’ Mark Rutte Wins Reelection in Close Race
The liberal party leader beats his Labor opponent in an extremely right race.
The liberal party leader beats his Labor opponent in an extremely right race.
The Socialist Party president announces higher corporate and income tax rates.
The two northern European countries reject the possibility of a third Greek bailout.
The premier has to appease his right flank without alienating the Liberal Democrats.
A Eurasian continental alliance could frustrate America’s “pivot” to East Asia.
The Netherlands’ two left-wing parties unexpectedly find themselves in competition.
The Germans are adamantly opposed to the central bank buying peripheral bonds.
The Netherlands’ ruling liberal party would create more jobs than the opposition Socialists, a report shows.
The Greek prime minister wants two more years to achieve his nation’s deficit target.
Left-wing opposition parties and most Dutch voters don’t mind deeper defense cuts.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s liberals are neck in neck with the far-left Socialists in the polls.
European officials criticize the “obstructive” role of Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte.
François Hollande has raised taxes on the rich but is delaying tough spending and tax measures.
Dutch’s perception that they are bailing out euro states at their expense is reinforced.
David Cameron had his chance to weaken the Franco-German axis and blew it.