Republicans Reject Tax Hike for Millionaires
Opposition lawmakers in the United States won’t consider tax increases. They argue that corporate taxes should actually be cut.
Opposition lawmakers in the United States won’t consider tax increases. They argue that corporate taxes should actually be cut.
Columnist George Will lambastes the government knows best mentality that seems to define Barack Obama’s government.
The United States is still the world’s predominant economic and military power.
Neoconservatives worry that the Republican Party could become isolationist again.
Other Republican presidential hopefuls took aim at Rick Perry’s record as a jobs creator in Texas where he is governor.
Comparing America’s public pension system to a “Ponzi scheme” doesn’t at all diminish the Texas governor’s election prospects.
Iraq is far from stable, yet the United States consider a complete withdrawal.
Ten years after the attacks of September 11, the War on Terror still rages. Can it ever be won?
Americans urge “unequivocal” support for troubled eurozone nations. Germany insists the priority is austerity.
Despite a last-minute attempt at negotiation by the United States, the Palestinians are determined to seek recognition at the UN.
Money would go to infrastructure, tax cuts, schools and unemployment benefits.
The frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination outlined their visions for the future of their party.
The Republican leader in the Senate asks the president to submit three pending trade agreements.
As few as three thousand American security forces could remain in the country.
The two centrist Republican candidates offer plenty of conservative orthodoxy.