Making Poverty Permanent
The Census Bureau’s new system of measuring income inequality makes poverty statistically permanent in America.
The Census Bureau’s new system of measuring income inequality makes poverty statistically permanent in America.
The Republican leader says he will do everything he can to help lawmakers cut spending.
Hillary Clinton announces the end of the Guam Doctrine and the beginning of a containment of China.
Texas governor Rick Perry’s proposal for a flat tax could win him back support from Republican primary voters.
Don’t count Barack Obama out. If the past is any indication, he has a good chance of winning reelection.
Samantha Power is a fierce advocate of the left’s “limited sovereignty” doctrine.
As the United States prepare to pull out, Iraq’s political problems continue to fester.
The country needs American support to maintain its posture against India but once China is involved, Pakistan is in trouble.
“No one should miscalculate America’s resolve and commitment,” says Clinton.
Trade relations with China notwithstanding, New Zealand is likely to intensify security cooperation with the United States.
Texas governor Perry avenged himself for a number of poor debate performances while Cain had trouble explaining his tax plan.
Demonstrators in New York City who “Occupy Wall Street” claim that the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans earn the bulk of income in the country and President Barack Obama wants them to pay their “fair share” with a millionaire’s tax. But what’s the reality? The top 1 percent earned 20 percent of pretax income in […]
The president ties to shift the blame for the country’s lackluster recovery on Republicans in his effort to win reelection.
Opposition leader Eric Cantor urged the president to discard his “all or nothing approach” with regard to his jobs plan.
The RAND Corporation examines the prospect of war and lays out a strategy for deterrence.