Republicans Pledge Austerity in New Congress
With a renewed sense of fiscal conservatism, incoming Republican congressmen promise to try to repeal ObamaCare and reform entitlement.
With a renewed sense of fiscal conservatism, incoming Republican congressmen promise to try to repeal ObamaCare and reform entitlement.
After several months of procrastinating, Republicans in the United States Senate voted to enact the New START treaty with Russia.
The Obama Administration’s latest review of the war is a political case to the American people for continuing the strategy.
Republicans are still unsure whether to ratify a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia.
Experts respond to the administration’s war review. Vice President Joe Biden promises withdrawal no matter what.
Progress in Afghanistan can be undermined as long as safe havens exist for insurgents across the border in Pakistan.
America should not attempt containment but revive another Cold War concept.
Barack Obama urges Republicans to try to find common ground. He shouldn’t expect much.
The individual mandate in Obamacare exceeds the boundaries of congressional power.
An American deal with Israel to suspend settlement construction had become “an end in itself”.
Liberals are opposed to tax relief for millionaires but conservatives warn that without production and investment, the economy cannot recover.
If Democrats and Republicans do not manage to shrink the deficit, they can always freeze government spending altogether.
With no sustainable alternative for fighting terrorism in Pakistan, the United States seek to expand their drone program into Quetta.
After a month of delay, President Barack Obama announced the signing of a free trade agreement with Korea this weekend.
69 years ago, the Chicago Tribune released classified military plans for an American involvement in the war in Europe.