Democrats, Republicans Brace for Budget Battle
While Republicans call for deep spending cuts, Democrats are worried that their brinkmanship could lead to a government shutdown.
While Republicans call for deep spending cuts, Democrats are worried that their brinkmanship could lead to a government shutdown.
John Boehner and his budget committee chairman Paul Ryan discuss their plans to reduce spending.
America cannot afford massive entitlement spending anymore but no politician likes to take away benefits from poor people and seniors.
Liberals are opposed to tax relief for millionaires but conservatives warn that without production and investment, the economy cannot recover.
The chairmen of the president’s debt commission put forth major entitlement reforms.
Republicans appear on the Sunday morning talk shows to discuss their agenda for the next two years.
Republicans offer to restore fiscal balance to the federal budget but neither Democrats nor social conservatives are convinced.
Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin stubbornly persists in his crusade for free-market capitalism though criticism of his “Roadmap for America’s Future” is fierce. In February, Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag deconstructed Ryan’s plans, stating that although they address long-term fiscal problems, many lawmakers might find them “objectionable” because, as Politico put it, […]
Unlike most Republicans, Wisconsinite Paul Ryan has a plan to rein in entitlement spending.