Turkey Planning Invasion to Stave Off Kurdish State
Turkey plans to send troops thirty kilometers deep into Syria to stop Kurds from forming their own state there.
Turkey plans to send troops thirty kilometers deep into Syria to stop Kurds from forming their own state there.
The American president just happens to be in office at a time of rapid political and social change.
Ejected from the euro, Greece is likely to eye Russia first as an alternative ally to its partners in the West.
Greece keeps its banks closed as chances of it leaving the eurozone increase by the day.
Democrats suddenly all support gay marriage. Republicans throw out the Constitution.
Alexis Tsipras’ sudden announcement of a referendum dashes any hope of a deal.
The United States increasingly use the threat of force as a first, rather than a last, resort.
The far-left prime minister’s refusal to make a decision shows he is unfit to lead in a crisis.
The Islamists do not pose much of a threat to the West and should be defeated by other Muslims.
Even if the three attacks were not coordinated, they may all have been inspired by the Islamic State.
The British leader would focus on migrants benefits and an opt-out from “ever-closer union”.
Greece refuses creditor demands for pension and tax reforms, making a deal less likely.
The majority of Britain’s Conservatives want to remain in the EU.
Greece’s far-left leaders have done everything they can to ruin their country’s chances of a deal.
The Philippines says it wants to join the Trans Pacific Partnership on the day it clears the United States Senate.