Democrats Don’t Have a Good Answer to the Mitch McConnell Question
How will they get their policies through a Republican-controlled Senate?
How will they get their policies through a Republican-controlled Senate?
Republicans refused to entertain evidence of Russian interference in the election.
Mitch McConnell reproaches the purists who refuse to accept anything short of total victory.
Republicans are not only denying America economic gains; they are putting its Pacific strategy at risk.
Opposition lawmakers in the United States won’t consider tax increases. They argue that corporate taxes should actually be cut.
The Republican leader in the Senate asks the president to submit three pending trade agreements.
Republicans won’t consider tax hikes. Democrats refuse to reform entitlements.
Republican lawmakers leverage a debt vote to extract deeper spending reductions from Democrats.
Republican leaders talk about spending reductions on the Sunday morning talk shows.
Republican leaders in Congress want the president to talk about cutting spending.
All Sunday morning talks shows devote time to discussing the upcoming congressional elections.