French Businesses, Unions Skeptical of Hollande’s Promises
Employers are underwhelmed by the president’s reforms while union bosses fear job losses.
Employers are underwhelmed by the president’s reforms while union bosses fear job losses.
Europe’s populists share Americans’ resentment, but are to their left on economic policy.
Violence between Christians and Muslims seems to worsen, despite a French attempt to restore order.
The French president recognizes that labor costs are too high, but his Socialist Party is resistant to changes.
The sectarian violence in the Central African Republic appears to have abated, but there is no political resolution yet.
French forces attempt to restore order in their former colony’s capital, a day after heavy fighting.
Without the Danish People’s Party, nationalists in France and the Netherlands lack enough allies.
Iran’s president previously boasted that he had deliberately stalled negotiations to buy the nuclear program more time.
But hopes that another transatlantic trade pact, with the United States, may be signed soon are premature.
The French say only Assad and top members of his regime could have ordered a chemical weapons attack.
President Barack Obama’s request for congressional approval has created “a new situation” for France.
Making the French work a little longer doesn’t solve the pension system’s problems in the long term.
The French leader invokes the world’s “responsibility to protect” civilians in Syria’s civil war.
Western powers should be able to achieve air superiority over Syria, although its defenses are formidable.
Britain and Turkey insist chemical weapons were used in Syria. France urges the world to respond.