France Rewarded for Reforms, Gets More Time to Cut Spending
European finance ministers give France two more years to bring down its deficit.
European finance ministers give France two more years to bring down its deficit.
The Socialists survive a confidence vote after ramming through economic reforms.
France’s president enacts economic reforms by executive order, bypassing his own Socialist Party.
French support for Greece raises the prospect of a Mediterranean bloc resisting Germany.
By refusing to confront the problems of Islam, European leaders allow pro-Russian nationalism to flourish.
The suspects in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper are killed in a shootout with French police.
Twelve people, including two police officers, are murdered.
Manuel Valls proposes to open up protected professions and make it easier for firms to lay off workers.
The fact that conservatives could find no one but Nicolas Sarkozy raises some long-term questions.
The former president is almost certain to win back the leadership of his party.
France and Italy make small budgets adjustments to avoid a confrontation.
Not all nationalists are a throwback to the destructive nationalism of the past.
Emmanuel Macron hopes reforms will convince the EU to give France more time for deficit reduction.
Slow to structurally overhaul their economies, France and Italy continue to miss their fiscal targets.
It’s another setback for President François Hollande.