Even Spill Won’t Convince Tea Partiers

As the Democrats are expected to use BP’s oil spill to push for stricter regulation of business in the United States, left-wing commentators are wondering why even the disaster in the Gulf won’t convince small-government conservatives. The Obama Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — which rarely urges passage of specific legislation — both […]

Obama’s War on Capitalism

Barack Obama inherited two Middle East wars from his predecessor and countless of struggles labeled as such from the many presidents that came before him, ranging from a critical War on Terror to an endless and largely futile war on drugs. His administration has so far added one notable campaign to this list — a […]

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Since Senate Republicans announced their intention to filibuster a financial reform bill, their party has come under attack from the left for supposedly being in the pocket of big banks. Even the president suggested this weekend that the GOP is taking its cues from Wall Street. The Democrats may have difficulty understanding that some lawmakers […]