Tunisians Vote Amid International Scrutiny
The first free elections in a Muslim country since the Arab spring are closely watched in America and Europe.
Nick Ottens is a public affairs officer for the Dutch Animal Coalition and a board member for Liberal Green, the sustainability network of the Dutch liberal party VVD. He is a former political risk consultant and a former research manager for XPRIZE, where he designed prize competitions to incentivize breakthrough innovation in agriculture, food and health care. He has also worked as a journalist in Amsterdam, Barcelona and New York for EUobserver, NRC, Trouw, World Politics Review and Wynia’s Week, among others.
The first free elections in a Muslim country since the Arab spring are closely watched in America and Europe.
“No one should miscalculate America’s resolve and commitment,” says Clinton.
The Saudi crown prince and defense minister died in hospital in New York, casting doubt on the line of succession.
If ethnic nationalism will tear America apart, why does Pat Buchanan champion isolationism?
Texas governor Perry avenged himself for a number of poor debate performances while Cain had trouble explaining his tax plan.
Demonstrators in New York City who “Occupy Wall Street” claim that the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans earn the bulk of income in the country and President Barack Obama wants them to pay their “fair share” with a millionaire’s tax. But what’s the reality? The top 1 percent earned 20 percent of pretax income in […]
As Greece struggles to mend its deficit, eurozone countries debate whether to help banks in the event of a default.
The president ties to shift the blame for the country’s lackluster recovery on Republicans in his effort to win reelection.
Former party boss François Hollande will run against President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Opposition leader Eric Cantor urged the president to discard his “all or nothing approach” with regard to his jobs plan.
The RAND Corporation examines the prospect of war and lays out a strategy for deterrence.
American lawmakers finally approved free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea after three years.
According to a former Bush Administration official, assassinating a Saudi diplomat “runs contrary” to Iran’s national security strategy.
The Americans accuse Iran of planning to kill the Saudi ambassador to their country but the plot doesn’t make sense.
Herman Cain defended his tax reform plan at a Republican presidential primary debate where Rick Perry seemed ill at ease.