Buchanan Predicts End of White America
If ethnic nationalism will tear America apart, why does Pat Buchanan champion isolationism?
If ethnic nationalism will tear America apart, why does Pat Buchanan champion isolationism?
Polarization between America’s allies in the Middle East and Iran puts Iraq in a tough spot.
Trade relations with China notwithstanding, New Zealand is likely to intensify security cooperation with the United States.
The president ties to shift the blame for the country’s lackluster recovery on Republicans in his effort to win reelection.
As the United States prepare to withdraw from Afghanistan, India has a vital interest in filling the void.
The RAND Corporation examines the prospect of war and lays out a strategy for deterrence.
According to a former Bush Administration official, assassinating a Saudi diplomat “runs contrary” to Iran’s national security strategy.
Before fingering Tehran for the attempted assassination of a Saudi diplomat, there are a lot of questions to be answered.
Rick Perry’s remarks about American military intervention may have strained bilateral relations.
Iran and Russia try to hamper Azerbaijan’s gas exploitation in the Caspian Sea. Western powers are tempted to intervene.
Ed Miliband claims to represent “new politics” but his class rhetoric suggests otherwise.
Morocco and Saudi Arabia may provide a model for other Arab monarchies to cope with civil unrest.
Will the killing of AQAP’s most effective propagandist give the embattled Yemeni president more time in the capital?
The new president is likely to soldier on in the pragmatic fashion of her predecessor.
The United States watered down an arms deal with Taiwan in an attempt to appease China.