Japan’s Abe Seeks Energy, Trade in Russia, Middle East
The Japanese prime minister hopes to boost economic growth ahead of July’s election.
The Japanese prime minister hopes to boost economic growth ahead of July’s election.
The Dutch like to think of their monarchy as an economic asset, but there’s little proof.
After more than two hundred deaths, the government in Baghdad has to act.
With the left in turmoil, Italy’s scandal-ridden former premier suddenly looks reliable.
Green party members defy their pragmatic leaders and vote for tax increases.
Former Yugoslavian states’ troubled history will likely prevent stronger security relations.
Party leader Ed Miliband has yet to reconcile centrist and leftists in his party.
European center-left leaders have little choice but to defy their own parties’ wishes.
Enrico Letta’s most immediate concern may be splits within his own ranks.
A former Foreign Ministry worker passed sensitive documents to Russian intelligence.
England can reasonably lay claim to “Scottish” oil and gas in the North Sea.
Austerity may have reaches its “limits”, but that doesn’t mean Europe will reverse course.
Khaled Mashal could use his restored authority to mend fences with Fataḥ in the West Bank.
The octogenarian president urges parties to take their responsibility.
David Cameron’s Conservatives face competition from the left and right.