France’s Hollande Lambastes Austerity, Germans Shrug
The Germans recognize that the Frenchman’s denunciations are to shield himself from left-wing criticism.
The Germans recognize that the Frenchman’s denunciations are to shield himself from left-wing criticism.
Nawaz Sharif has said little about how he plans to deal with Islamist militancy in his country.
An election that was supposed to be full of Khamenei loyalists could turn into a horserace.
Other countries could be inspired by Argentina’s expropriation of an oil firm.
Any Libyan who held public office while Gaddafi was in power can now be ousted.
But former prime minister Boyko Borisov could struggle to form a majority government.
The dismissal of the Kremlin’s former chief ideologist seems to confirm a power shift.
The Iranian president is likely to be replaced by a supporter of the supreme leader’s.
What use is a buffer state if it forces deeper American involvement in Northeast Asia?
India’s and Iran’s interests converge in Afghanistan but their alliance could be tested.
When European leaders speak of “growth,” they can mean very different things.
Britian’s Conservatives and Labour should both be concerned about UKIP’s rise.
American expectations of the alliance’s changing role may be unreasonable.
Labour is unlikely to benefit from the Conservatives’ poor approval ratings in the south.
China might be fueling the border dispute to discourage India’s assertive foreign policy.