Obama Talks Middle East Peace Amid Crimea Crisis
The president welcomes Mahmoud Abbas to the White House.
The president welcomes Mahmoud Abbas to the White House.
Moldova’s breakaway region requests entry into the Russian Federation similar to the Crimea’s.
The Iraqi prime minister says Qatar and Saudi Arabia are inciting and encouraging terrorism in his country.
Speakers at an annual conference of Republicans disagree about how to win back the presidency.
By exporting more natural gas, America could help make its allies less dependent on Russia.
It is unclear what benefits Russia would derive from annexing the peninsula.
Saudi Arabia and its allies have had enough of their neighbor’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sevastopol’s status and Russia’s military doctrine are crucial factors in evaluating its policy.
Spending proposals seem designed to help Democrats win the election.
France, Germany and Italy would prefer not to risk their commercial interests in Russia.
Whoever claims Russia’s incursion was a mistake at this point is probably making a moral argument, not a neutral analysis.
Germany competitiveness is undermined by green energy laws that do little to reduce greenhouse emissions.
Germany has to balance British demands against the wishes of its other ally, France.
The Saudis seek to weapons from Pakistan at the same time they are deepening defense relations with India.
Russian troops secure the naval base at Sevastopol.