Participation — Why Bother?

Participate? Why? You’ve got enough people in your movement that I shouldn’t have to participate. I don’t need to join your group, you guys will do the work for m– A free glossy magazine? Group potlucks? A tote bag with a logo on it? Why didn’t you say so?! I’m in! The above is just […]

How Disturbed Are You?

No, really, how disturbed are you? Disturbed enough to join a social movement? Maybe help out as a checkbook member? Perhaps you’re disturbed enough to go out and start your own social movement. But wait a second — are you rich? You aren’t. Well, that may cause some difficulties. You see, the heavenly choir sings […]

Why Do We Bowl?

Robert Putnam’s idea of shared trust and a sense of community helps explain what drives political activity.